First off, it was pretty freakin spontaneous. My sister, who is in LOVE with friggin Michael Ealy's ass, stumbled upon this little Hip Hop Festival thing he would be participating in. Well, she called
me up on Friday July 3rd and asked me if I was interested. I was like "Um, sureeee..." So, the weekend came and I got more information. Blah Blah Blah... We left on our lovely expedition to D.C. at approximately 7pm on July 6th. It was a 13 hour drive. Some of which I thoroughly enjoyed. Um, Atlanta was bloody gorgeous to me. I got to see the city at night and omgosh, my mind was completely BLOWWWWWNNNN. Gorgeous I tell you. Just, bloody gorgeous. Well any
ways. I guess I should skip to the juicy details. I do NOT want to bore my audience in any way, shape, or fashion. Um, we got there and stayed at The Lathan which is a lovely hotel in the poshville that is Georgetown, D.C. so we get there, right? The room we have is not really what I would've pictured. It's on the third floor, which is UNDERGROUND! [Oh yes baby, I am so serious.] That's cool, but there are no windows, and that highly upsets a person like me. Anyways, we brush on, get cute, and go to the little festival thing. It was a free event so we had to show up extra early to make sure that we had a spot. To say the least, the performances were AMAZING! I don't have my little program thingy with me, but just take my word for it. They were awesome. So, after the show, my sister and I headed to this courtyard, BEAUTIFUL courtyard by the way, and we were just chillin, talkin, when, guess who comes out of the backstage door? Lupe-freakin-Fiasco.
Yes, so I [being the loud person that I am] yell, "LUPE!" like I know him or something. He turns. He smiles. He waves. Lol. It was AWESOME! Fast forward through the night. I FOUND TWO ROACHES IN OUR ROOM! LOL! Yeah, needless to say we got an UPGRADE!....It even had stairs! After our sweetttt suite upgrade we met up with my sister's friend Curtis who's a native, and not to mention extremely cute. [He spazzed about the room and claimed I was going with him on his next vacation as the "roach hunter" to get better rooms! HAHA!] Anyways, we were supposed to go to this Aft
erparty or whatever, so we got all dressed up...walked allllll the way to the club only to find out that I couldn't get in. I'm only 18. That night, 21 & up only. Curtis freaked out he was like "You're eighteen?! I thought you were like 21!" Talk about a crazy night. We had a good laugh about that, and then they took me back to the hotel, and dropped me off.[-_ -]. SMHHHHHHHH! Yeah, I was bummed, but then the next day, we jumped in the car & got lost in D.C....purposely. We were/are broke, and therefore I took pictures from the car lol...see? Here's the Washington Monument and you would've Never Known my sis was goin 50 in the shot. There are A LOT of angry drivers in DC...rawr! They hawnk A LOT. Very, very angry like pitbulls. Well yeah, I saw the capitol building too, [snaps later] and so from there we went back to Georgetown and explored our surroundings. There were like a bagillion stores, and it was crowded, but I loved it all the same. I really, really loved it. The air was clean and the weather was amazing. Needless to say, I fell in love with the place, and my sister and I made plans to come back once we were more financially stable. On our last night in D.C. [since we couldn't go out -yeah...I had to apologize like 2,451,967 times], we, along with Curtis, just walked the town. Where I saw the biggest picture of Channing Tatum EVER! YUM! Then at around 3AM, we made the trip back.I have to say it was one of the most fun things I've ever done in my life. Definitely lots of memories were made, and I got to bond with my sister on a level that had never been attempted. Through all the struggles, stresses, and lack of SLEEP that were had, I would do it all again in less than a heartbeat...
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